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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

John Derian for Target: Haul No.1

I don't like the term "haul".  I feel that in this context, it implies some senseless procuring of goods not even for the sake of boasting but more for a little self assurance that the quota of acquisitions (whatever it is for whoever it is) has been met. Trust a chronic materialist to have already done some extensive rumination on the psychology of shopping! This being said, almost anything by John Derian, the New York based biologically inspired (amongst other things: various world cultures, vintage typography, other things that give me hypertension) designer and merchant.

I've been predisposed to be less than impressed by any "So and so for Target".  Even the Liberty for London line, which one would think would be easy to apply, pretty much did nothing for me.  But...John Derian?! I LOVE John Derian.  And the designs selected translate so much better with the blank slate style Target products.  If Target keeps this up, I may just be giving it a few more chances.

Dragonfly Appetizer Melamine Plate : 1.99

Cutlery Appetizer Melamine Plate: 1.99

Feather Melamine Tray: 14.99

Marble Dye 3-Ring Binder: 4.99

I say haul No.1 because I know I won't be able to resist going back for more marble dye print stationary and a botanical themed 3-tiered cake tray.  And vintage typographical notebooks I have no need for. And fabric lined storage boxes with scientific bug diagrams. And mugs with cameos. And those picture frames.  I'll stop.

Or better yet I'll order from the man himself...


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